- Branded and marketed by BKR, sold exclusively by Jagan Hardware
BKR® Sprinkler System With Attached Mist connectors To Pipe Set is an important equipment for gardening and houses. It comes with all attachment. It has the following characteristics-
1.)It is flexible enough so can be used easily in any area.
2.)It comes with several attachments like pipe, connectors, drippers, Self-locking nylon zip ties.
3.)It provides water in a mist form and provides a good foliar spray if used for plants. It keeps the area cool and moist.
4.)It cools people, Pets and livestock, Clears airborne particles and repels flying insects.
5.)After connecting connector with it the connector is adjusted to the tap or any water source.T connectors along with Drippers are attached with the pipe. This way patio or mist spray is used .
Same Product Also available in Different Models SKU - LG0654/ LG0681